Recent Content by LSpector

  1. LSpector

    Young Cat Difficulty with Jumping?

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. It definitely apepars (in my opinion) to be a gauging issue. He doesn't seem to have any weakness anywhere. I will keep an eye and mention it next time I call in; I get his food there so I do call relatively often. Not that vision problems are good, but I'm...
  2. LSpector

    Young Cat Difficulty with Jumping?

    Hi all - been quite a while since I have been on here. I hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe. I hope I am just being an over-paranoid cat mom here, so I would love some insight. I will just jump right into it: My boy Dillon will be turning 4 this April. He has a LOT of difficulty with...
  3. LSpector

    Nail Trim Meltdowns

    @Kieka Luckily he does not scratch is actually quite careful when playing. His little needle nails tend to get caught in things like indoor screens (when "chasing" the birds), blankets, clothes during cuddling and when we're playing. So it's mostly accidental on his part. One of my concerns is...
  4. LSpector

    Nail Trim Meltdowns

    Hi everyone, It's been a long time since I've posted on here. I was looking for some advice regarding my now-very rambunctious young cat, Dillon. I've looked in the articles and haven't found too much, but I may be blind so apologies if I overlooked a very obvious one. :rolleyes: Dillon is now...
  5. LSpector

    Six Months Later And Still Chewing...

    Thank you all for your suggestions. It seems like airline tubing seems to be a popular choice, so I may look into that as an option. @danteshuman Don't worry, he sees the vet quite regularly for his nail trims (and if I am being honest, I am kind of a kitty hypochondriac since my last girl) so...
  6. LSpector

    Six Months Later And Still Chewing...

    Hi everyone, It feels like forever since I've been on the site, so I hope everyone is doing well. :D I am back today with the same problem, but as you can tell from my title, it's been quite some time. Back in the summer I posted about my 12-week old kitten Dillon and his new habit of chewing...
  7. LSpector

    Car Anxiety

    I've never heard of using chamomile for cats, but it makes sense! I am going to look into that more. :thumbsup: I will definitely try covering his carrier as well. It's one of the "open" top ones, with the wire mesh (I'm not totally sure how to explain it) rather than a hard top so it's...
  8. LSpector

    Car Anxiety

    Hi all - So I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that my Dillon truly hates car travel, specifically highways (for those of you from Ontario CA, the 401 is the problem). Obviously I don't take him out for joyrides but when I go home for school holidays, there really isn't another option...
  9. LSpector

    Comment by 'LSpector' in article 'Black Cat Facts And Myths'

    I know the shelter in my hometown offers reduced adoption fees on black cats, so the superstitions (at least where I am from) are alive and well, unfortunately. It's a shame because I find most of the black cats I know have the BEST personalities!! My mom has a black cat and I swear he is more...
  10. LSpector

    Adopted Kitten (4 Months Old) Concerns

    Hi @Kia Lynn, do you have any updates on how Bane is doing? :)
  11. LSpector

    When Is A Good Time To Start Dental Care On A Kitten?

    Awesome, thank you! I will look into that set you suggested on Amazon...the website you linked me to is great but shipping to Canada is very expensive :( I hope I can him used to it...he is already quite the little firecracker, haha!
  12. LSpector

    When Is A Good Time To Start Dental Care On A Kitten?

    Hi all - My kitten Dillon is about 14 weeks and I was wondering when would be a good time to start dental care. Right now he's still in the process of losing his baby teeth. I'll be honest, with my previous kitty Prim, I never had to do any form of dental care because her teeth and gums were...
  13. LSpector

    Adopted Kitten (4 Months Old) Concerns

    Runny poops are never a good sign. I would see your vet as soon as you can. I am not implying it's anything major, but the sooner you can get him checked the better. In the meantime, the combination of stress and wet food (which obviously has a much higher water content than kibble) could be...
  14. LSpector

    Free Feeding

    I had to switch to this after my previous kitty got prescription food. I found it is easier to transition if you use wet food because 1) in my experience, my cats tend to prefer wet food compared to dry kibble so they eat it faster, and 2) wet food can't be left out as long so they will learn to...
  15. LSpector

    Cats Dying And L Cannot Bear To Let Go....

    I know exactly what you're going through as I recently got my baby girl Prim put-down after extensive health problems. It was by far the most difficult decision I have ever had to make and I sobbed through that entire phone call. What you need to really think about is whether you are...