Recent Content by lou1982

  1. L

    Help needed with feral cats in the leeds area

    My boyfriend has tried the cats protection but they don''t seem bothered. Any other help would be greatly appreciated
  2. L

    Help needed with feral cats in the leeds area

    does anyone know who can help with feral cats in the leeds area? its quite urgent
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  8. L

    a great site i've found

    it's it's a trivia game and for every correct answer they donate kibbles of food to shelter cats, i'm addicted to it. lou
  9. L

    Vixen and her kittens

    really really cute!!!
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    Newborn and 2 week old kittens

    awwwww their soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!
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    she's a beautiful kitty
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    tigger being handsome

    sooooo gorgeous!!!!
  13. L

    Easter Kitten Pics!

    i love them all, but my fave is the one in the basket
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    my girls in the snow

    very beautiful
  15. L

    Happy Easter!

    awwww very cute!!!!!!