Recent Content by loreye

  1. loreye

    This town is weird.

    I remember being in montreal around some particularly tall buildings. Hubby and I were just strolling down the street and we hear this whooshing noise. It was the rain, hitting the top of the buildings and moving quickly down the street towards us. Even with the warning we still got fairly wet...
  2. loreye

    Yikes! Big Baby

    that putting ice the belly sounds like a great old wives tale home remedy. I have the ultrasound on monday. The writing on the order for the ultrasound says "showing very high presentation" I don't know, I didn't ask, but this may mean that the baby is not necessarily completely breech, just...
  3. loreye

    This town is weird.

    I should update my location. NS is where I'm from.. and being on the coast, it's usually well fogged up and raining on rainy days. No sun until the rain goes away. We're north of Ottawa ontario now. It's a valley, very humid... and it's the humidity that gets ya. Lightning shoots about at the...
  4. loreye

    Yikes! Big Baby

    My concerns are not the scars... or that I want a "natural childbirth" I think it's because of the once a section, always a section (not always, but it's best to stick with them after having one) I don't want everything to be sceduled. I don't want to have to pick the birthday, go to bed the...
  5. loreye

    This town is weird.

    I've never lived in a place that had such weird rain. I've had days with rain and sun at the same time. It happens quite frequently here. The sun is shining in the window behind me... and suddenly I hear rain. Other occasions my husband will come home angry because it had rained while he was...
  6. loreye

    Yikes! Big Baby

    I knew from the start my baby was going to be big (36 weeks preg right now) Had my appointment and my ghanian doctor in his ghanian accent poked and prodded and ordered and ultrasound. My big baby, who was presenting very well in the head down position many weeks ago has turned around and the...
  7. loreye

    anyone else here tried eyebrow threading?

    I will stick with my tweezing... I think what it comes down to is me not really caring about my eyebrows, and whether it be wax, or this threading, I don't like other people touching my face.
  8. loreye

    Automatic litter box

    They've learned to be tolerant over the past few months with the litter being ignored for a few days at a time with my being pregnant and not wanting to do it. I'll take a closer look at what's out there and make a decision. I don't want to look until I am prepared to pay up for a 100$ kitty box.
  9. loreye

    The Bag, part III

    Don't those kitties know better than to put their head inside a plastic bag? What a great story.
  10. loreye

    The Bag, part I

    My cats love the krinkly plastic bags! They make the best noise! Spooky will often lick them. She'll get into the cabinet where we store grocery bags (used for litter clean up) and I can hear her licking them. Spooky! I will continue to the other posts to see who won the bag in the end.
  11. loreye

    Oreo after surgery

    aw, shaved belly. I wonder if she has any idea what just happened to her... or if she even cares. :p
  12. loreye


    My husband and I are both supposed to be allergic to cats. . . We seem to have an immunity to our own cats. They are only short haired little buggers, and I keep them brushed and bathed to minimize loose hair and dander floating around the house. Vacuum the furniture regularly and try our best...
  13. loreye

    Automatic litter box

    Being away from home for two weeks had me most worried about one thing "How bad is my house going to smell when I get back to two weeks of litter box?" It wasn't bad at all. Having the extra litter box really helped. And when I got home I just dumped each one and started fresh (My nightmare...
  14. loreye

    I miss my kitties!

    I have been away from my kitties for almost two weeks now. I just know they are lonely and miss me... and are wondering why the litter box is stinky we have our neighbour feeding them, going over every couple days. I worry because of the way they acted last time I went away, and because it's...
  15. loreye

    Licking my fingers

    My little spooky just loves my new long fingernails. They are a huge trap for any food I might come in to contact with and when she's lying with me she loves to lick them! Sometimes even when my hands are clean. I think she just likes the feel of the sharp nail on her tongue, probably for the...