Recent Content by logansandres

  1. logansandres

    Essential Oil Diffuser - Cat health

    I am an old fan of essential oils and I've been using them since forever I think. Though recently I faced the same problem. I got a cat, she's an grown cat, I adopted her from my friends cause they moved and didn't want to take her with them. Anyways, I've noticed that she threw up a few times...
  2. logansandres

    Cat doesn't like her food

    I've been haveing this problem with my cat. She used to eat one specific pet food brand for years up until recently. And like a few months ago she started to refuse to it. I'm not sure whether this is the producer who changed some contentes maybe or she just doesn't like it anymore. Shall I take...
  3. logansandres

    Cat got in a fight with dog

    Maybe she is just harsjely bruised and will get better soon? I mean, bruises can be rather painful but are not usually signs of critical conditions.