Recent Content by littlemcde

  1. L

    My cat has worms. Now what?

    Hey is 100% indoor. Does not ever go outside outside of a kitty box. We have had him since he was 6 weeks old, and he goes to the groomer every 2 months. He has never been known to have fleas. He has been on a wormer from our vet since he was 9 months(he had a real bad digestive problem) I...
  2. L

    Hey yall!

    Hey everyone! I am Lacey. Mom to 2, Chloe is 1 & Dilyn is 3. My furbaby Baxter is 4. I live in SD. I am a psych major. Umm. thats me. I have been here before. With my angel baby Tinkerbelle, and I have recognized a few... Anyways HI!
  3. L

    My cat has worms. Now what?

    Today I noticed a worm coming out of my cats butt. He is 4 years old. Neutered(not sure if that matters) House cat. He goes once every 6 months for visits. I am wondering what causes this? What can prevent it(he's been on preventative medicines for it) and How do we treat it?
  4. L

    pictures of my new baby

    She is beautiful..I swear I can smell the kitten I think I need a kitten
  5. L

    Sleeping buddies.

    Lol, he is very tolerant. Dilyn tries to ride him & is in the "hugs and kisss" poor Baxter just sits there and takes it. Though he doesn't seem to mind most of the time, he will walk up to Dilyn and rub up against his leg, or lay on his lap, I think they both enjoy it.
  6. L

    So I went for a towel & got the wits scared outta me!

    Der, don't I feel stupid, I didn't even see her in the first picture She woulda scared me..
  7. L

    Look a Wheel!

    Lol! How adorable! That is the very reason Baxter is terrified of Laundry baskets.
  8. L

    Sleeping buddies.

    These could be so much better, but my flash ALWAYS wakes up Baxter. They honestly sleep like this all the time...Baxter puts Dilyn to bed at night, it is adorable!
  9. L

    Let's see those fuzzy feet.

    More DSH feet....but you gotta love the fuzzy feet!
  10. L

    Weekend Shopping

    Ooo what beautiful eyes you have!
  11. L

    Help Please!!

    HE CAME HOME!!!!! One of our neighbors children had him in their house, which is why we didn't see him around, they took wonderful care of him, and we are so greatful that he is back and safe! Thank you all for all your help and encouragement!
  12. L

    Found Cat..... I have no idea...

    Both cats have appointments made for tomorrow morning, and are being kept seperate. Thank you all for your help!
  13. L

    Hello! New members...

    Hi everyone! My name is Lacey. I am 20, and from a small town in South Dakota, where I live currently with my signifigant other, Jamie, my 19 month old son, Dilyn,our furbaby of 3 years, Baxter, and our current houseguest, who we have lovingly come to know as Nipshon. Currently I am in my 8th...
  14. L

    Found Cat..... I have no idea...

    Oh my dear lord.... I have a problem... My missing cat, the one I was looking for when I found this other cat......come home... Now I have TWO cats!!! They hate eachother, which I know wears off... I don't know what I am going to do. It's a stand off between them, and the basement steps...
  15. L

    Found Cat..... I have no idea...

    The cat is actually in my house now. He/She is very very frightened of humans, especially men, and deep voices, but at the same time it is very loving. I put food down, but it didn't act like it was starving, and it wouldn't eat until we left. I went out and bought it a flea colar (just in case)...