Recent Content by littlekooky

  1. L

    Thomas and Cooper

    ahh jamies getting a Kulemage!! Which means potbelly in norwegian mom. But cooper is too long for words. I bet if i held him he would reach my knees
  2. L

    Thomas and Cooper

    AHH MOM! THE SECOND TO LAST PICTURE IS SOO funnnyy! Look at his eyes. and How his legs are crossed. =)
  3. L

    Some pics from today....

    aw. i miss the boys soo bad. and especially shelby. tell all of the cats i said mom, i'm going to call you tonight =) so be expecting.
  4. L

    Rescued a little baby yesterday

    Yeah thank god you didnt get hurt! I sound like a mom.
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    Rescued a little baby yesterday

    OMGOODNESS. yoda is getting bigger!. By the time i come back he'll be the same size as shelby! or thomas maybe!
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    Rescued a little baby yesterday

    Awww thats my mom always saving cats & kittens he's like yoda's twin!! maybe they could be relatives. =)
  7. L

    In Memory of Max...

    I hope little Max plays and has fun at the RB. Thats horrible that he died on his birthday!
  8. L

    Bull likes to take showers?

    Shelby loves to sit at the edge and watch me shower or bathe. Its so funny because she'll sit there and meow. I pick her up and let her feet touch the water barely and she has a hissy fit! Leo also likes to sit there and watch. When i put him in he doesnt do anything. He just sits there.
  9. L

    It's Super Cooper Time

    Haha coopers the best. Mom you act like he's a star.
  10. L

    A Few Random Shots

    awww i miss cooper & thomas so muchh. they're the cutest things. =)