Recent Content by lisamarie

  1. L


    Hi Lindsay
  2. L

    New here

    LOL @ Rosie/Fluffy.
  3. L

    New here

    It is cute!!!
  4. L

    "Stuff" on the behind

    Tabby is a persian and always has "stuff" stuck on her behind after she uses the litter box. We tried shaving around there to prevent it, but it looks so wierd. Any tips?
  5. L

    Do you prefer male or female cats?

    I actually prefer female cats. Or at least my female cats. They seem more cuddly.
  6. L

    New here

    Thank you! You all have beautiful kitties!
  7. L

    New here

    Oh my goodness! They look like twins!!!! How cute!!! Yeah, when we FINALLY get a house, I am taking Kenny and Fluffy with me. The other cats are terrified of any place besides the home they have now.
  8. L

    16 years

    That was beautiful.....
  9. L

    Stupid old Fred...

    I'm sorry Susie. Oh fatguy??? Poor scooter's gonna get lonely.
  10. L

    awwww what a pretty kitty

  11. L

    Do you guys kiss your cats?

    I love kissing my kitties!!! I usually just kiss them on the top of the head though
  12. L

    Hi All

    Welcome. I'm still a kitten, but welcome anyways.
  13. L

    Hi all! Another newbie

    Hi Susie!
  14. L

    I'm with Them

    Hi Queen Meow!
  15. L

    New here

    Here's Kenny. My nephew who's 12 likes South Park, so he named Kenny. But Kenny is a