Recent Content by lisa and kodie

  1. lisa and kodie

    Newly diagnosed megacolon kitty- not responding to lactulose or miralax!

    I think I may have to try this. My Kodiak takes .5 ml cisapride BID and not working anymore. Vet suggested the miralax half teaspoon BID (twice a day) as well and get him back on the EVO 95%. What exactly do you give your kitty and how often? Thank You
  2. lisa and kodie

    Newly diagnosed megacolon kitty- not responding to lactulose or miralax!

    Meet Sir Kodiak.. he is 14 years as of may 2015. I read your post about the evo 95%.  Kodiak over the last year or so has been getting clogged up and now Dr. says it is mega colon. He gets it to the end of the colon and then forms a pocket of poo but just cant get it out on his own, so I have to...
  3. kodie.jpg

