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  3. L

    Reward Training?

    Thanks for the stories.
  4. L

    Reward Training?

    I was wondering if anyone has had success using reward training with their cat? I know it has worked really well for my brother and his dog, he gives him a bone or a pup-peroni as a reward for good behavior- peeing outside, coming when he's called, sitting, etc. Would that work for my cat? I'd...
  5. L

    Cat Travel Here is a good link to an article about traveling with your cat, especialyl for new cat owners. It lets you know your options and has some good tips. As for my own little tip, I recommend the soft case to bring your cat in the cabin. But...
  6. L

    Which obscure animal are you ?? FUN!!

    This is too cute. I am also . . . [/b]
  7. L

    Which obscure animal are you ?? FUN!!

    This is too cute. I am . ..
  8. L

    Valentine Gifts for Kitty

    Does anyone else give their kitty valentine's day presents? I like to give Glitter a toy (usually the little ball with the bell in it-- she never gets bored with it). Last year I got her a nice pillow to lay on, which she promptly destroyed. This year I might just get her some of her favorite...
  9. L

    Human snacks

    I keep my cat away from human food, so I don't know how she would feel about it. Like I said, she seems to like the kitty snacks. Does anyone else use cat treats?
  10. L

    Human snacks

    I ran across this article and thought people might be interested. It is about what snacks to give your pets. Thought people could share about what their cats seem to like. My little Glitter goes crazy for the Pounce Drumsticks. I guess eating the same cat food everyday gets PRETTY boring...
  11. L

    Are your cats pampered?

    Very cute. Sounds like the questions my ex bf asked me all the time
  12. L


    I'm a long time cat owner, first time CatSite member. I have a 4 yr old Himilayan. Her name is Glitter and I have had her since she was a kitten. I really look forward to getting to know you guys and learning and sharing about cats, one of my loves.