Recent Content by lilangelsbuddy

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  4. L

    My cat Callie and daughter Jinxy

    They were giving each other baths lol
  5. My cat Callie and daughter Jinxy

    My cat Callie and daughter Jinxy

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  7. L

    Help me replace my cat's favorite toy!

    But the fabric reminds new of the monkeys that hang around your shoulder. Maybe you can refurbish it with some fuzzy fabric, maybe even a shag rug material? Then take the old fabric and refurbished mouse rub them together or leave them in a bag together for the sent to "transfer"
  8. L

    Help me replace my cat's favorite toy!

    My 5 year old cat and 2 month old kitten love Pom poms! You can get a big bag at the craft store.
  9. L

    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    This is Callie, she is 5 years old. I got her off a farm when she was a kitten Her only child, Jinxy now 2 months old born 01-07-17 She has a cool pattern on her I haven't seen goes all the way down her back
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