Recent Content by layde dee

  1. layde dee

    My cat only goes (pees and poos) once every 3 days after giving birth!

    OMG! Thank you for your super quick reply!!! And here are my answers to your questions: - Are you certain she is still eating and drinking normally? Really, given that she is nursing, she should be eating a fair deal more. Are there any other animals that could be sneaking bites of her food? ...
  2. layde dee

    My cat only goes (pees and poos) once every 3 days after giving birth!

    Hi, I recently rescued a mummy-to-be and she gave birth to 4 beautiful kittens on the 2nd July. Once died after a week and the other 3 are going on strong :). However I noticed the the mum isn't going to do her business every day, because I change her litter box every day and for the past 2...