Recent Content by Ktgpenny

  1. Ktgpenny

    Cat's Face Has Turned White After Illness

    My Gus just recovered from a delayed reaction to the FVRCP vaccine and now has these white hairs around both of his eyes. Upon googling it, the closest I can find is that it’s Bilateral Periocular Leukotrichia and it happens in color point cats after stress or illness/fever. Hopefully the white...
  2. Ktgpenny

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    I think delayed vaccine reactions go under reported, that’s why I wanted to reach out to Zoetis. It was just a pleasant surprise when they offered to cover my bill. I think maybe delayed reactions happen more than 1% of the time but vets may not be putting two and two together. If I hadn’t found...
  3. Ktgpenny

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    Thank you! I hope our story helps someone else that sees it. It was definitely an experience that I hope to never go through again. But now that Gus is on the other side of this and recovered, I do joke about how I always knew he was “special”! 😂
  4. Ktgpenny

    DELAYED, prolonged vaccine reaction

    I just want to take a minute to thank all of the contributors on this thread. Without which, my cat Gus probably would not have been diagnosed with a delayed reaction to the Felocell 4 vaccine. On February 8th I took my six year old cat in for a wellness exam. This included his FVRCP, rabies...