Recent Content by krystalake

  1. K

    Question for the breeders

    I have used Baycox to get rid of coccida and I treat every new cat that comes into my cattery with it. It works very well and I have not had a problem with coccida since then! I highly recommend it. Albon only supresses the parasite and they have to be on it for weeks to get rid of it, Baycox...
  2. K

    Inducing Labour in Queen

    Hi all I have a queen who has had a mucous-y discharge for 6 days now and her due date was yesterday. So I have made an appointment with my vet to take her in today to see if she needs to be induced. Now he said that there are complications when inducing and kinda hinted towards wanting to do...
  3. K

    Attn: Breeders

    I breed Bengals... I am a member of TICA and TIBCS!
  4. K

    What is your top 5 of favorite breeds?

    I love all cats but if i had to choose? 1. Bengals (of course, I breed them!) 2. Savannahs 3. Ragdolls/Ragamuffins 4. Devon Rex 5. Pixie Bob And I kinda Like the new Toygers they are very cute!!
  5. K

    Pricing, is this normal?

    I have learned the hard way......about getting a cat for cheap...I bought a F3 bengal male for $650 (included shipping)......He is 1 1/2 years old and almost blind in one eye due to a cataract and his skull is deformed but you cant tell unless you feel it. I still love him more than anything in...
  6. K

    Looking for breed insights for which cat breed should I get:)

    hi i breed bengal the are high energy....if you have questions i would be happy to answer them for you i have 7 of them so i have many stories Krystal
  7. K

    Question for breeders

    I am reg with TICA! Krystal
  8. K

    Tan Bengel Cat

    Hi I am a new breeder of bengal cats and right now I have 7 of them....and they are the most wonderful animals in the world.....I have an F1 (planning on getting more), F3 and 5 SBTs and they all have different personallitys They are not wild or aggresive, but they are high energy and...