Recent Content by kristine voykin

  1. kristine voykin

    Luuup Litter Box- yay or nay?

    Lol. Nope! Maybe it works for me and not for others...... There are things I would change about the design. I would do a much deeper box as well as a bit bigger, BUT, out off all the litter methods I've tried, this one works the best. I've done daily scooping, self cleaning electric Litter Maid...
  2. kristine voykin

    Luuup Litter Box- yay or nay?

    It truly is the BEST litter box. I have 2 giant 17 pound cats whose bladders are clearly bigger than mine, and one small 6 pounder. I hated scooping and breaking the clumps and changing the litter every week. There is a learning curve to the luuup, don't give up before you learn how to use it...