Recent Content by krislyn

  1. K

    Help Needed!!! New kittens Weak!

    Just wanted to update on the kittens .. they are a week old today and are doing great! They have round healthyd fat tummy's and are now nursing more than taking the supplement milk from a bottle. All are doing so great, I am so proud. We had a rough 3 or 4 days but survived.. I moved them into...
  2. K

    Help Needed!!! New kittens Weak!

    Well, I haven't slept much... I keep getting up to check on the kittens... They actually seem to be nursing but I can't tell if they are getting enough milk... How long do they normally nurse? They are still cryipng when LadyLeo gets up & they were sleeping cuddled up but seem to be spread out...
  3. K

    Help Needed!!! New kittens Weak!

    I Just Wanted To Write And Say That I Have Been Giving Kitten Formula As A Supplement And They Seem To Be Doing Alot Better.. I Am So Attached To Lady And Now Her Kittens.. As Far As The Vet, All Of Them Are In One Clinic Together And Ive Taken Her There Since She Was 4 Wks Old.. They Know Me...
  4. K

    Help Needed!!! New kittens Weak!

    Hello, I am new here... My 1 yr old cat LadyLeo had kittens this past Sunday. I found one dead this morning and now 2 of the other 3 are weak and seem to be not doing well... I called my Vet and she said there was nothing they could do ... I'm not sure how well they are nursing because they...