Recent Content by krakenqueen

  1. krakenqueen

    Any weird things your cats like eating?

    Oh man. One of our boys has a bad habit of crawling under the loveseat to eat the cotton candy-like fabric (batting?). We already refinished the underside of the couch with faux leather to stop him from eating it there, but he quickly found an alternate source. We'll be replacing the underside...
  2. krakenqueen

    Resveratrol? Safe or not safe?

    There's a lot of interest about resveratrol in helping people and pets, but I'm still wary whether it would be safe to give to my eldest (16) arthritic cat. I keep reading different information, some saying it is safe, others saying that because it's made from grape skin, seed, and stem, that it...
  3. krakenqueen

    How to get over running over a cat?? Help :(

    Thank you, It was very hard on me because we do own 4 cats, one of which has been indoor/outdoor prior to and since us acquiring him. I always, always worried he'd be hit by a car and I always worried it would be horrific. Having had this unfortunate situation happen and a two previous unrelated...
  4. krakenqueen

    How to get over running over a cat?? Help :(

    Today was a very unfortunate day for us as well...   My husband, Greg and I are okay, but we are really heartbroken and feel absolutely terrible. We had just left our home and were a block away from our house when we hit a cat. My husband was going 20 in a 25, our neighborhood is in the city. I...