Recent Content by kittyoi

  1. kittyoi

    cat cant bathe

    Oh awesome :) thanks.
  2. kittyoi

    cat cant bathe

    Vader got neutered a week ago. He smells kind of musky. He can't bathe himself adequately because he's wearing the cone constantly. I take it off so he can stretch out and do a quick bath but I can't trust him for too long and have to put it back. What can I do to help him help me? Can I bathe...
  3. kittyoi

    Vader does not cover poo/pee

  4. kittyoi

    Vader does not cover poo/pee

    Update* I changed the brand of litter and he is digging a hole before he goes and also covers it now. ....downside. .. dog started raiding the litter box :/ we just bought this box so we can't really go out and buy a new one now. I turned it to face the wall and it stopped for a while but then...
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  7. kittyoi

    Black Cats Only

    There's Vader. cant really see his eyes. He always bites what he kneads.
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  9. kittyoi

    Vader does not cover poo/pee

    He's been with us a short while and the litter I was given with him is some organic weird birdseed looking crap... I'm going to switch it and hopefully that will help. Anyway he does not cover his pee or poop when he goes, EVER. It smells so bad. He just goes to the bathroom and leaves. No...
  10. kittyoi

    Vader :) breed?

    Yeah he's beautiful :) all black. Even the pads of his paws are black.
  11. pissed of cat pics!

    pissed of cat pics!

  12. kittyoi

    Annoyed cat - pics!

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  14. kittyoi

    Black Cats Only

    This is Vader.