Recent Content by kitty1105

  1. K

    Removing Cat Urine - When is it gone??

    As to the question about the blacklight, is it a bulb or a tube? The light bulb-like blacklight really isn't very good. You need one that looks like a flourescent tube light.
  2. K

    Making an odd face

    Does anybody's cat sniff around an area and then proceed to make an odd face? My Cliff will sniff an area and then sort of look at me with his mouth hanging open a bit. What I call his yuck face. Some of the areas I've seen him do this around are places where he's had "accidents." Others...
  3. K

    Removing Cat Urine - When is it gone??

    Blacklights produce ultraviolet light and make fluorescent colors "glow in the dark." Cat urine happens to glow a bright yellow-green. I bought one when I was in college in a store called Spencer's Gifts. It was about $20. (We used to put old highlighters in water in bottles, and put the...
  4. K

    Removing Cat Urine - When is it gone??

    Amazingly it wasn't the smell that made he realize what was happening. I caught him in the act, and then pulled out a blacklight I had in college. YIKES! I can't say that I wasn't mad, but I found sites like this one that made me realize that it could be a medical problem, and that made me...
  5. K

    Removing Cat Urine - When is it gone??

    So I recently discovered that my cat has turned my dining room into his own private potty. I have taken him to the vet and he is now on meds for a urinary tract infection. Now, I am turning my attention to clean-up. I have been browsing these forums and found many good suggestions. So...