Recent Content by KitCat93

  1. K

    Hairball Or Other Issue?

    She pooped, She's back to being 100% normal now!
  2. K

    Hairball Or Other Issue?

    She's literally running around now and chasing a fly like nothing was ever wrong. So I'm guessing shell be ok
  3. K

    Hairball Or Other Issue?

    Our cat started hacking and vomiting the other night(Saturday night). She got up what looked like a couple small chunks of hair or small hair balls. But continued to vomit the rest of that night. It was just bile and a bit of hair so I thought maybe she had more hairball's that needed to he...
  4. K

    Kitten Health (rant-ish Update?) Opinions.

    Flea stuff at the vet for me was like 10$. And I still personally wouldn't suggest it. But that's just me and to each their own. Affordable is good but I'd rather pay more for the meds and know shell be ok or that if she's not it can be corrected because we know exactly what's on her and just...
  5. K

    Kitten Health (rant-ish Update?) Opinions.

    She's good. Still kinda more sleepy than normal but she's eating and drinking and playing which is a big improvement, she's much more active even than last night. And I still just wouldn't buy from walmart personally. There's so much crap a company can hide and legal ways to do it I just won't...
  6. K

    Kitten Health (rant-ish Update?) Opinions.

    Vet prescribed, I'm not sure of the brand. I don't have my invoice anymore .
  7. K

    Kitten Health (rant-ish Update?) Opinions.

    I am planning on asking when I call, but it's just so weird .Maybe it's all part of how she's reacting to the flea stuff? And She's very young, 8 going on 9 weeks and had just met the criteria for the flea medicine. we'd been dealing with her itching since we got her, it was good for 2 days...
  8. K

    Kitten Health (rant-ish Update?) Opinions.

    We got our little girl some flea meds on monday because she was SUPER itchy and I did pull some fleas off her. She went to the vet for the medicine (we don't do grocery store meds, I don't even want to know what would have happened if she'd have been on some crap from Walmart) she was examined...
  9. K

    Kitten Behaviors And Training?

    this is her from a couple days ago . Her name is actually Rias, but she gets called baby all the time
  10. K

    Kitten Behaviors And Training?

    Of course! And thanks, it was a harder decision because we have kids and she was so little but I didn't want her to end up in a worse situation than what we got her. She had fleas and had been fed chicken the day we got her so she was sick all that night (I have no issues with feeding your cat...
  11. K

    Kitten Behaviors And Training?

    Thanks so much! We do have a good routine set in place, it kinda just happened to work because I have small children and she follows their routine well, and it's pretty similar to what you said. And she learned quickly I don't play at night. At all. If she wouldnt leave me be id put her on the...
  12. K

    Is It Worth It To Get A Bloodwork To Check How Your Cats Are Doing On A Raw Diet?

    If you can afford it, it would not hurt. It'll give you insights into if she's missing something she needs or if you need to change her diet and how she's doing on her current diet . :)
  13. K

    Kitten Behaviors And Training?

    Ok, so I kinda just guessed where to put this so if there's a better place please let me know! We just got our little girl two weeks ago. And we got her at 6 weeks. It was not by choice and we originally had it set up to get her around 9/10 weeks but the woman getting rid of them wanted rid of...