Recent Content by kimberly ann

  1. K

    Kitten Help!

    Hi again! I would like some advice on what to do about a small kitten. You see, this kitten was in a litter of five. His mother is a fairly tiny female cat about two years of age. But, lately, one gray kitten has been worrying me. He's much, much smaller than the rest. He doesn't seem to be...
  2. K

    Kitten Trouble!

    Hello there! I was hoping to get some answers about a small kitten that I've been hand-rearing for the past few days. The kitten is about 2 or 3 days old ( as he still has some of his umbilical cord ) and weighs 3.5 ounces ( 100 g. ). He seems normal-sized and all-in-all is very energetic and...