Recent Content by Kelsey Cat

  1. K

    New cat bullying? (Long post)

    I should mention we have been trying to tire him out before bed (until HE is done playing) and he gets a nice healthy sized snack as well!
  2. K

    New cat bullying? (Long post)

    Hello everyone! A little update...things seems to be going a little smoother...Percy (resident cat) seems to be fighting back and standing up for himself a little more...however, Oswald (new guy) seems to still not get the message when the growls and the hisses start...but hoping that will start...
  3. K

    New cat bullying? (Long post)

    Thank you! Much appreciated, this was such an odd thing and I couldn't seem to find any reading on the subject. Thanks for keeping my head grounded about the whole thing. You guys are all so awesome!
  4. K

    New cat bullying? (Long post)

    Percy seems to be generally not to bothered, he doesn't go hide (or not for long) after these little spats. It just breaks a moms heart to see her first born kicked off the bed (no fight or anything) and then just sleeping next to the bed (he eventually jumps back up)...its just such strange...
  5. K

    New cat bullying? (Long post)

    They are both neutered. We are trying to find more ways to tire Oswald out as he seems just to be crazy! Perhaps slow feeding games or something (we feed them separate as Oswald scarfs his down, and then heads for Percy’s ). Thank you for the reply, I knew this would take’s just a...
  6. K

    New cat bullying? (Long post)

    Hello, I’ve been trying to read up on the site for several days and haven’t quite found anything helpful, so please direct this to another thread if it’s something you’ve seen! I’m wondering if you can offer any tips, we’re finding Oswald (new cat 1.5 years old adopted 5 weeks ago) is being a...
  7. K

    Anxious about new cat - any advice??

    Thank you so much, this anxiety makes it so hard to see clearly. My husband said he’s going to take the cats tonight and watch them and play to hopefully show me, our world hasn’t actually turned upside down.
  8. K

    Anxious about new cat - any advice??

    Hello, I have been reading these posts all day. It has given me some hope my anxiety may calm down with time. We have a resident 4.5 year old, and just adopted a 1.5 year old a week ago. We have been slowly letting them spend more time together, and all things considered is going pretty well. My...