Recent Content by katieskats

  1. K

    Mom cat and 1 week old kitten...I'm tramatized

    If only we all got to a bad situation before it got worse, life would be wonderful.
  2. K

    Mom cat and 1 week old kitten...I'm tramatized

    That's playing the blame game. If I had seen the dead kitten, I obviously would have removed it before Mom cat would have even had a chance to ingest it. Anyways, If this is how people are treated here, then I'll have to find a more supportive place, I'm seriously tramatized by this, I can't...
  3. K

    Mom cat and 1 week old kitten...I'm tramatized

    Yup, anything is possible, I don't know about anyone else, but implying I'm to blame for the death of a kitten, doesn't's too late now, and I will forever be tramatised by this. Thanks for your "kind" words of encouragement...being that this was my first thread to post's a...
  4. K

    Mom cat and 1 week old kitten...I'm tramatized

    ohh, they're only 1 1/2 weeks old now, no I don't have a scale but they have grown, I'd say tripled in weight in such a short time. They're eating constantly, and I check them all the time, making sure they're tummy's are full etc etc.
  5. K

    Mom cat and 1 week old kitten...I'm tramatized

    Like I posted, I was keeping an eye on the kitten, it seemed to be doing fine only thing was it was smaller then the others. And if I had seen it had died or was sick I obviously would have removed it. I think it all happened within an hour or so, I was only away from them that long, so I know...
  6. K

    Mom cat and 1 week old kitten...I'm tramatized

    I've been keeping a close eye on mom and her 5 kittens. Casey (mom) did everything she was suppose to do and has been taking care of all the kittens as she should. I did notice that one kitten seemed much smaller then the rest, but I figured as long as it was nursing from mom, it would be fine...