Recent Content by jrharmon

  1. J

    Older Cat Isn't Acting Like Herself

    I am concerned about my 19 yr old baby. She does seem to have her off days. She has started to urinate outside her litter box. I think she is just confused & can't see as well as she used to. Tonight I came into feed her & she had pooped in her litter box but also some was on the floor. I got...
  2. J

    Older cats

    Yes I know she needs to see a vet. It's just after bills we don't have much left to take us through the month. Thank you for replying to my post. No cotton has actually gained weight but she does sleep a lot. Sometimes she will be a little playful. Yes she drinks quite a bit of water. She eats...
  3. J

    Older cats

    Hi I'm new to site. I am wondering how every one can afford to take their cat to the vet so much & have all those test run. My cat is 17 years old. Her name is cotton. All white with blue eyes. She is starting to show some decline. We are on Social Security & we can't afford to take our cats to...