Recent Content by jpb23

  1. jpb23

    Need Advice on Swollen Paw

    Again, wow, thank you to everyone who took the time to reply, I apologize it took me so long to reply myself, but this computer I have is an old G4 Mac, probably 10 years old now... half the programs I'd like to use aren't even compatible with it anymore!  To answer the questions as best I can...
  2. jpb23

    Need Advice on Swollen Paw

    Wow, Scotland...!  Really illustrates the 'world' part in 'world wide web'...   Firstly, thank you for your reply and advice!  These are all things I considered myself, and this morning I got a recommendation from a friend for a vet to go to; only one problem:  I can't get him there!  He's...
  3. jpb23

    Need Advice on Swollen Paw

    First off, Hello to all my fellow Ailurophiles...! I've been to this site before, but didn't have reliable internet access which I now do, and I'm glad to be a member!  A couple months ago I found this site while doing some research trying to find out what could be wrong with my beloved Squeaky...