Recent Content by jonsmith1000

  1. jonsmith1000

    Urine smell and droplets where the cat goes.

    I havent... but i honestly dont think that its that simple.. its been like this for about a mpnth now.. at first it was in my bed then i smelled it on the top of the couch where he lies then my son complained it was on his bed when the cat jumped up one night... i wish a quick rinse is all it...
  2. jonsmith1000

    Urine smell and droplets where the cat goes.

    So I noticed my little buddy Cheerio has been leaving little wet spots wherever he walks or lays down and now the top cushion of my brand new sofa smells like pee. He has been neutered for about 3 years and he was born in 08. It's not a constant thing where he is peeing everywhere he goes I...