Recent Content by jingyue duan

  1. J

    cat patchy hair loss

    I don't know, I guess he just doesn't like anything been changed in his life. Haha, you can try to add the new food slowly and might help cats to adjust.  Vet prescripted our cat  "neomycin polymyxin dexamethasone" Ointment to use on his wound, which get itchy so he scratched it bleeding again...
  2. J

    cat patchy hair loss

    Hi, thank you for your reply. Our vet said the same thing that he may did this to himself....We changed his can food to another brand in about two weeks, that maybe the trigger. 
  3. J

    cat patchy hair loss

    my cat has this patchy hair loss shows up today when we are home, he does not have this in the morning. Very strange, this does not look like a scratch, is this a cat mange?
  4. cat patchy hair loss

    cat patchy hair loss

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  6. what breed are my cats

    what breed are my cats

  7. J

    what breed are my cats

    I have two new cats, they told me they are sibling, but I highly doubt, what breed are their parents can have 2 totally different kids? Thank you!
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