Recent Content by jin & spawn

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  4. J

    Any Big Brother All Star watchers out there?

    *sigh* I'm addicted. I really like Erika, but don't think she can win it. Janelle has gotten on my very last nerve. Will and Mike crack me up with their mock phone conversations in the diary room! I don't really like them, but they have a point! People are being stupid about them!
  5. J

    You know you are getting old when...

    Your 'baby' turns 18 years old!!! Today is my daughter's 18th birthday. *sigh* They grow up so fast!!!
  6. J

    What do you wear?

    A gun. Well, you know, with a uniform and badge and everything. If I had to figure out what to wear to work every day it would take me hours. I like the uniform - it narrows the choices down to 'dress shirt' or 'casual shirt'!
  7. J

    Adopt a Trooper

    Cool! Thanks for the link!
  8. J

    How many animals do you have?

    2 cats here - Chaos and Kyrie 1 cat at the ex's house - Spawn 4 guinea pigs
  9. J

    College Football

    I am SO anxious for football season! I was ready to start watching videos of old games I've got recorded! GO HUSKERS!!!! GO BIG RED!!!! (We might even win a game or two this year! Woo!)
  10. J

    What are your hobbies?

    I think I have the same problem! When someone asks I just stare blankly and then answer as if asking a question: "Uh... I crochet?" So there it is. I crochet. And I read. Are those really hobbies? I don't think taking care of 2 cats, 4 guinea pigs and a husband are considered hobbies... I...
  11. J

    Would You Have a Deceased Pet Stuffed?

    Ummm... no. I have all my pets cremated. I have 5 beautiful handmade boxes on one of the entertainment centers - 5 guinea pigs. Then there's a much larger handmade box on a bookshelf... 1 rottie. No one knows what they are but us, and they're really pretty boxes.
  12. J

    You guys and gals would not believe what I found in the Wal-Mart parking lot!!

    Excellent! What an adorable face! I just love her coloring! I'm so glad you were there to find her!!! Oh, my husband gets two stars on the TCS wall. The first one he brought home himself after almost running over her. (Chaos) The second one, when I called and told him about her he said "Why...
  13. J

    Just curious if anyone is like us?

    I am the tall (5'10") shy girl that likes to stay home on the weekends. Unfortunately I work on the weekends right now. I'm not 'career oriented', but I love my job and don't want to do anything else. I'm not mushy and I don't know if you could call me traditional though I am more conservative...
  14. J

    I need to smile. Can you show me your wedding pics?

    I've been married for 3 months now! Here's my favorite wedding picture...
  15. J

    Happy Birthday valanhb!!

    Happy Belated Birthday, Heidi! Sounds like you're doing great! Congratulations on the new home!!!