Recent Content by jim peterford

  1. jim peterford

    Potential Side Effect From Metaclopramide / Reglan. Need Feedback Please

    So I went to the neurologist and the exam went well. She said that if this is a reaction to the medicine (which is rare) that it could take a few weeks for the twitching symptoms to lessen and hopefully go away. Not that I want to second guess a specialist, but does a few weeks after stopping a...
  2. jim peterford

    Potential Side Effect From Metaclopramide / Reglan. Need Feedback Please

    Thanks for the quick reply. I just can't stand seeing her with any kind of problem and the more I dig looking for answers the scarier stuff I read about. I need to stop making myself sick by worrying because I know it's not healthy for any of us. The thing that scares me is that people are...
  3. jim peterford

    Potential Side Effect From Metaclopramide / Reglan. Need Feedback Please

    Hey everyone. I'm hoping someone on here has had some experience with this or can maybe give me some peace of mind. I'll spare everybody the long story of my baby Noelle who had some very serious issues in the past that we have fought through. She has been on prednisolone for years for issues...
  4. jim peterford

    coconut oil

    Hey sorry I'm late to the party. I definitely agree that coconut oil has awesome health benefits but I have been hesitant to give some to one of my girls. She was diagnosed with triaditis a few years back and has been doing well with the regimen I have her on. I would love to add some coconut...
  5. jim peterford

    Feline Triaditis. My experience and concerns/questions

    Beaches, are you on Facebook? If so join the pay IBDKitties. That's a group of us who really help each other out and you may get some good feedback when you share your story on there. What are you feeding your kitty? I've had one cat who was hyperthyroid but I did the radioactive iodine to...
  6. jim peterford

    Freckles - pigment change - Melanoma???

    Thanks for all the info! I spoke with the eye doctor again and my normal vet to just go over my concerns, and the ophthalmology dept said that if there is any change like the spots are no longer smooth or they become a concern they can just zap it with their laser as long as it is caught soon...
  7. jim peterford

    Freckles - pigment change - Melanoma???

    So if you don't mind me asking a few questions... Was there ever the option to use the high energy laser on Bracken to try and save the eye, or was the condition too far advanced that there was no way? If caught early enough is this a possibility? I'm really scared about Noelle losing an eye...
  8. jim peterford

    Freckles - pigment change - Melanoma???

    That makes me feel a little better. I just freak out cuz I feel like this came out of nowhere.
  9. jim peterford

    Freckles - pigment change - Melanoma???

    this is a pic I shot two days ago. If you zoom in you can see what I'm talking about. Again, the eye doctor said she not concerned, but has anyone seen anything like this that HASN'T turned cancerous?
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  11. jim peterford

    Freckles - pigment change - Melanoma???

    Hi all. Figured I would post on here to try and look for peace of mind. About 5 years ago I noticed a small brownish freckle on my girl Noelle's left eye. I brought her right to the vet who said that 95% of the time nothing comes of it and I shouldn't worry. At the time I didn't. To this day...
  12. jim peterford

    Feline Triaditis. My experience and concerns/questions

    I have to say, the only time Noelle won't eat is when she Is having a flare up. Her flare ups thankfully only last a couple of hours and trust me even that feels like an eternity. We have her on 2.5 mg prednisolone daily again since every time I taper her to every other day she has issues. I...
  13. jim peterford

    Raw diet questions and concerns...

    Long time no see to a lot of you! Hope you are all still here... Quick question... I've been feeding all three flavors of Rad Cat for a while now, (turkey, chicken and lamb) and my girls have been doing pretty well except for a few of Noelle's IBD/Pancreatitis flare ups which I still can't...