Recent Content by jessy6620

  1. J

    Cat illness question!

    Here is the latest Milo news: On Wed. he pulled his tube out, so I had to rush him into the vet's office to get that put back in, and they said he would have to be there overnight. On Thursday, I called to find out when I could pick him up, and they gave me great news: Milo does not need his...
  2. J

    Cat illness question!

    Milo Update: He did get to come last Sat. We are now feeding him 30ml of a/d through a tube 4 times a day, we have to give him 30ml of water 6 times a day, and 2 different meds. I took him to the vet yesterday for his follow-up and the Dr. said he was doing great. Today however, the little...
  3. J

    Cat illness question!

    Hello! The latest news on Milo is that he does have his feeding tube in. They put it in Wednesday afternoon. The Dr. said that he will probably get to go home today (although he hasn't called yet) He is handling it real well. He is acting alot better than he was a couple days ago. He was real...
  4. J

    Cat illness question!

    Hi! This is actually my kitty. I am new to the board. I learned about it yesterday when Carrie sent me a message. We don't really have any new info on him. Last night I went to see him and they said the last time he had eaten was Sunday night when we were there. They are focusing on getting...