Recent Content by jennylee

  1. jennylee

    Kitten with potential FIV. Help please?

    lol woops!!  wrong link!
  2. jennylee

    14 week old kittens with ear mites

    Revolution is a great thing for cats and kittens.  It is made to absorb into the skin in a matter of minutes.  anything else that is on their fur will evaporate.  Don't use a q-tip at all in their ears.  what you want to do is take a warm wash cloth (wrung out) and gently wipe their ears with...
  3. jennylee

    Kitten with potential FIV. Help please?

    here is a really great link talking about FIV+ cats.
  4. jennylee or no vet?

    you want to get a cream from the store labeled for "jock itch" (not kidding)  you can buy it at the dollar store  or regular store.  put that on the spots 3-5 times a day EVERY day and keep the cat in isolation.  Open windows when you can and let the fresh air in.  sometimes it takes 30-90...
  5. jennylee

    3 Month Old Kitten, Possible Health Concern..?

    there isn't a vaccine for worms.  On their sheet they should have been dewormed with "pyrantal" or "panacur"  or "revolution".  I would  call your vet and ask about the first 2 things.  If they haven't been dewormed, you can always call the place you got them from and ask for the doses of...
  6. jennylee


    I have some pain meds that are mixed with pet tinic (vitamin) and they have been sitting for about 4-6 months..just on the shelf.  I'd like to use them for my cat Sammy who has either an abscess on his teeth or stomatitis. Does anyone know if this stuff has a shelf life?  