Recent Content by janis

  1. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    These are only the ones I know of that have been diagnosed, it would take a great deal of research to come up with numbers, If it were for instance fluoride then why aren't there more animals/people affected. I've asked myself so many times why it happened, vaccines, wormers, flea treatments...
  2. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    Thanks for that. i intend to, when my second dog, related to the first one, contracted the same cancer I mentioned it to my vet but he dismissed it as unlucky. I was too distraught at the time to take it further. However, over the past week it has all come back to me and I will be discussing...
  3. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    Hi Mel. I think I can explain a little of what is happening to your cat. It will help you understand more what is happening in his body. He has a tumour. It is bleeding. Once it starts bleeding it travels through the system rapidly and can affect any of the major organs, including the brain...
  4. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    I'm so sorry Mel. This is bad news. It's the same cancer as Bud had, very aggressive, it's in the blood vessels and yes it's skin cancer. Please don't let them operate. It will cause so much more suffering for your boy. It cannot be cured and is terminal. You must let go. I'm sorry if...
  5. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    I've been thinking about Mel and her boy all week too. Hope you're OK Mel. Jx
  6. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    Thank you for your comforting words. I am keeping my fingers crossed that your boy's biopsy doesn't show cancer and happy to read that there has been an improvement and hope it continues. Bud was on antibiotic injections but with no lasting affect, his body was fighting everything and trying...
  7. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    Sadly this morning after a bad night of pain and discomfort I said goodbye to Bud. He is free of pain now and his spirit is still with me. I hope you get better news for your boy. Jx
  8. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    How cute is she...and what a lucky kitty to find you. It was meant to be. Metacam also called Meloxicam. I don't know what the equivalent is in your country. I'm in the UK. it's a prescribed anti inflammatory with pain relief. I was preparing myself to call the vet in the morning but if...
  9. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    Bud's still here. He's had Metacam and I heard him calling me, went through and he's sitting on top of the coffee table in front of the fire! Then wolfed down his food and had a drink. Lovely to see him moving around. Metacam obviously helps make him feel better. Jx
  10. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    The pic looks just like Bud's abdomen. I didn't read that your cat had had a transfusion, that must have helped a bit. Bud's leg is swollen because it can get into the lymphatic system, it's not like the fluid is travelling round his body. It can start anywhere in the body, with Bud it just...
  11. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    My vet phoned. It's a very rare form of cancer. He could only find one case where a cat had been operated on and it survived 63 days, there is no treatment. That in my book is out of the question, I'd never put him through that. He is not going to get better so he will be pts at home sometime...
  12. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    That's what I meant by body condition. Bud's skin is only leaking in the lower abdominal region. We wouldn't have noticed the area under his chest if he hadn't been shaved. His front leg is alarmingly swollen this morning (I'm in a different time zone) but the swelling in his abdomen has...
  13. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    Is your cat losing condition, Bud is, it's been longer for your cat, I'm amazed he's not dehydrated. Bud isn't, all his bloods were normal except for the anaemia, I don't understand that when the biopsies show cancer. Jx
  14. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    It's coming from the skin on his abdomen but the bruise like colour has spread right along his abdomen and under his chest, the vet shaved his fur in those areas when he took biopsies to see how far it had spread. He has 3 stitches in different areas where the biopsies were taken and funnily...
  15. J

    My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

    I will be interested to hear and compare when your results come back. My understanding is that lymphedema/angiosarcoma is cancer. Do your cat's legs get swollen? One of my cats front legs is swollen and the back ones swell a little then go down again. Bud's oozing fluid again tonight from...