Recent Content by janb

  1. J

    What are you thankful for?

    We dont have Thanksgiving here, but here is a few things i'm thankful for 1, My daughter, she is an angel and has helped me loads while i've been ill. 2, Snowy been an excellent mummy. 3, The kittens been healthy. 4, My new digital camera cos now i can catch all the precious moments i have with...
  2. J

    need a name for this little guy

    MMMMmmmmmm??????? Let me think, ermmm , NO.
  3. J

    9 days old kitten update. pics

    Its a male. We have a hamster called Toffee, he's white with a toffee coloured patch on his head. I like Butterscotch but Michaela ( the boss of the house, apparantly) doesn't. What a spoil sport she is. She will do this if i call him something she doesn't like, yet SHE can't think of any...
  4. J

    need a name for this little guy

    Excellent Great idea. If they want him so bad they should be prepared to wait shouldn't they? I will get a pic and a certificate ready. Thanks butterscotch is a nice name. I like it. Anymore??????
  5. J

    What's your birth order???

    I am the second oldest. ( not including steps and halfs) My brother is 3yrs older My sister is 18 months younger and i have a younger brother who is 5 yrs younger
  6. J

    need a name for this little guy

    I am definately keeping this one, he is so sweet, well they all are but i can only keep one .I have found good homes for the other two. Can any one suggest any names for him. Also i know someone who really really REALLY wants the little white one. Her husband wants to give her him as a...
  7. J

    9 days old kitten update. pics

    Well i cant believe how much Snowys kittens have grown, they have tripled their birth weight now and are doing really well. Snowy is great with them. The black one has fully opened his eyes and the other two are part open. Arn't they so sweet, i am definatly keeping the ginger one...
  8. J

    Tablets -So True - Long But Worth a Read

    That is sooooo funny. My sides hurt from laughing so much.
  9. J

    The cheek of it....

    I went to the opticains yesterday and was told i needed glasses. He said its due to 'wear and tear'. God, i'm 33 not 93. When i went deaf 2 years ago i was told the same by my audio-oligist. I am sure these guys are specially trained just to make you feel bad. Really annoyed me it has.
  10. J

    YIPPEE i'm an adult cat

    This is my 101 post. Cant believe it. I have only been on here a few weeks. It's a great site though isn't it. I love reading peoples threads/ posts. I have a right laugh. I have also received a lot of help from you all so cheers for that.
  11. J

    Things that go "bump" in the night....

    If i hear a noise through the night i have to go investigate it, armed with a rolling pin of course. I have recently got new hearing aids and so some noises are new to me. Most of the time its either my hamster on its wheel or my fridge. I never new a fridge made a noise. So maybe, and even...
  12. J

    Best mummy ever.

    I have just been allowed by Snowy to weigh them again, they have doubled their birth weight. I can't beleive how much they have grown already. Cant wait to see them up and about playing. They are my little sweeties , but shhhhh, dont tell Michaela.
  13. J

    If your furbaby is sick or had surgery do you take off work??

    Luckily i have never had to take time off work due to Snowy being ill but i definatly would do if i ever needed to.
  14. J

    I start my new job today...

    Good luck Nikki in your new job, I hope you make it in to the florist department, you never know, a vacancy could crop up and they might move you in there. We will all keep our fingers crossed for you.
  15. J

    Best mummy ever.

    I just thought i would give you all an update on Snowy and her babies. I dont think it could be going any better. Snowy is brilliant with her babies, feeding them, washing them, she has stimulated their bowels too i think, she seems to be licking their buts pretty often anyway. They are all...