Recent Content by jackbombay

  1. J

    WARNING: Graphic Post - Euthanization with anesthetic

    Jack's passing was not as smooth as I would have liked, I wish I would have known to not let him eat before the tranquilizer, he threw up from it, he had been throwing up a lot from CRF anyway, but due to the nausea he was trying to get away from me a bit at the end :-( About 5 seconds or so...
  2. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    Yea, that is what I have to keep in mind. Thanks for your kind words
  3. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    Jack slept well through the night, I'm glad we waited till this morning. He left us at about 9:15, and unfortunately I had to take my wife to the airport at 10:00 and she is now out of town for a week, this really sucks.
  4. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    All in all I have been to down about all this, yes, it truly sucks and hurts a lot, but damn, I wouldn't want people being all bummed when I go, and I know Jack doesn't either. Amazingly enough Jack has been doing quite well today, went mousing for a while earlier today, been cuddling with...
  5. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    Last night was rough, Jack is hurting pretty bad. I just got off the phone with the vet, she will be making a house call at 8:00 this evening. I hope the clouds will part today so Jack can sleep on the windowsill with some sunshine, he is our passive solar cat after all, being all black...
  6. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    For some time now we have been doing 100ml a day with 20 gauge terumo needles, he likes those far better than the 18 gauge needles we were using, and the fluids don't leak back out when I pull the needle out. I have come to grips with the fact that the end is near, but my eyes are still...
  7. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    All in all he has done pretty well, he was diagnosed in november and his kidneys were bad then so we've gotten quite a bit of extra time really. I know the end in fairly close now, and it is inevitable. I do feel lucky to have been able to spend 11 years with such a cool cat Pic from this...
  8. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    Just got back from the vet, blood numbers were terrible, BUN 177 and Cre 9.5, and I had given him sub-q fluids not long before I went to the vets which lower the numbers. The vet is thinking that we can expect another week before he fully hits the wall, and she gave me some anti nausea shots...
  9. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    About a year ago, 3 months ago he was still about 11.
  10. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    Yes, a lot, down to maybe 7 or 7.5 pounds, he used to be 15, but all muscle, he was pretty much the arnold schwartzenegger of cats. Now he looks like he is made of sticks...
  11. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    Jack is not doing well, we're going to the vet today for a blood panel, I think we might have the vet make a house call tomorrow... His last blood panel was 2.5 weeks ago, bun was over 140 (their machine does not read over 140) and cre was 5.5, RBC has been good with epo, and we have his...
  12. J

    Kidney Problem?

    Wooo WOOOO!!!!!
  13. J

    Kidney Problem?

    Drinking a lot is a sign of kidney problems, but it is good that she is peeing a lot as well. Get a blood panel done ASAP.
  14. J

    I think Jack is depressed

    To the vet for a blood test, IMO.
  15. J

    How much phosphorus is in a mouse? ROFL

    There is no food that Jack would rather eat, but our other cat has no interest in mice, fwiw.