Recent Content by IntegrityJones

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    Aggressive Cat

    Thank you I’m going to read that now
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    Aggressive Cat

    Yes he is. I been reading up on play aggression and he actions just don’t seem even close to it. I will try to get in contact with my vet. I would love to get another cat so far his only feline friend is the neighborhood kitty.
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    Aggressive Cat

    My vet says he may around 2-3 and yes he is neutered. The adoption place did it before we got him.
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    Aggressive Cat

    Hello everyone, Hope you all are having a good day. I needed some advice on my cat. I adopted him from pets mart about 6 months ago and after 3 months he has become aggressive towards me mainly and just recently my sister. It is unprovoked 100 percent. We feed him soft and hard food, we play...