Recent Content by inka

  1. inka

    Tidy Cats Breeze litter box- Anyone use?

    So after reading this and the other threads, I got one of these boxes from Chewy. You are right, it doesn't smell, except right after a hard delivery has been dropped off, and which is easy to remove. I did as suggested here, used 2 bags with pellets, and sprinkled some of the litter from one...
  2. inka

    Territorial aggression - need help reintroducing cats

    Just wanted to give an update on our situation: Sissi's blood work shows her liver is fine, but the CRF is progressing slowly. Had a long talk with our family vet and set up a plan on hopefully slowing the progress. Also decided to not poke her with fluids and stuff her with meds when this time...
  3. inka

    Making cat stay Indoor, I'm hopeless, really

    His instincts make him go away and to explore. And I am sorry to say it, but by giving in to his extreme behavior and letting him out, you show him that going to the extremes gets him what he wants.  As long as it works, he will keep doing that. He would need about 2 weeks, maybe 3 weeks...
  4. inka

    Is it time to consider re-homing?

    I found this interview with Jackson Galaxy for a couple weeks ago. He tells in the interview how his outlook on mood medications has changed over time, and why.  Thought you might like to read it :) ...
  5. inka

    Is it time to consider re-homing?

    This is not a funny situation and I understand your frustration. However, I am afraid re-homing your kitty to a loving home won't be easy, providing you give the potential new caregiver all of the information: Imagine you have a cat and someone asks you to take their cat into your family...
  6. inka

    Introduction/socialization Journal with videos: Semi feral kitten and 2 year old resident cat

    Truffles and Nuggets are adorable together  You are going so nicely about their introduction, and the videos are touching. especially the first one, when they look at each other with one eye from around the corner, and Truffles rubbing fast the shelf while following after Nugget, "mine, mine...
  7. inka

    Little Mr. "Can't Get Right"

    Fred rocks  As you wrote he is a smart little guy, could it be he has learned that after the scruffing there will be something even worse coming, like a much hated bath...? Just a suggestion, as it happens when we think we know our cats, then they suddenly surprise us with something we don't...
  8. inka

    help - cat poops himself in the car every time...

    My cats poop themselves in the car too. As @Feralvr  wrote, it is a stress response.  With some exceptions, cats in general experience big stress when on car rides, while many dogs actually like it so I've been told. I made a mistake once taking mine with me on a long trip abroad in the car...
  9. inka

    Territorial aggression - need help reintroducing cats

    Found an article yesterday, some food for thoughts: Well, we are not done yet ;) Will keep trying to help them, also trying to stop being a constant "helicopter parent" for Sissi...
  10. inka

    Territorial aggression - need help reintroducing cats

    Update: Unfortunately, things are not going well here. Since my last post it has been on and off with Teddy going upstairs to his room, because he just can't leave Sissi alone. It does not matter if he stays there for 2 days or one week, as soon as he gets back to us, the more he warms up...
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