Recent Content by indykitty

  1. I

    Is my cat fat?

    I am feeding the purina inside cat formula because i couldn't afford my cats usual food. I used to have 2 cats and now have three so i put out 1/2 cup servings in three different places. so is that wrong to do? I don't want to hurt my cats. although the worst side effect seems to be that...
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    Is my cat fat?

    I have a huge cat. he's big and tall. I took him to buy a harness for going outside and walking. He had to go to the doggy section and use a small dog harness. Indy got weighed and was 18.1 pounds. I don't know what to do or if he's actually fat. when he does lay on his back he doesn't...
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    Poor baby... NALA

    I swear to God that pisses me off. I posted a post about furniture fabric that is impervious to claws. I mean I have a destructo-kitty who has torn the crap out of two kitty scratching posts and has never touched my couch except to claw it if he was trying to get up there. I made the...
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    Boys Make Better Pets?

    my kitten was too little to be neutered before I got him but as soon as he was big enough and over the ringworm I got him neutered. Its just part of the price I figure. My adoption source gave me a certificate to get him broken and since my dad works with them I wouldn't have dared not get...
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    Help w/ my new puppy's breed?

    I think that happens when people don't consider what kind of dog they are getting when they get one. I mean I want a beagle but the more I read about them I realize that a college student with a one bedroom flat and two cats isn't the best owner for a high activity high energy dog. So...
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    Help w/ my new puppy's breed?

    That's not a border collie that's some form of shepard. Perhaps the Belgian one you keep talking about. My sister has a purebred long haird German shepard and he has the same body type and ears as my sisters dog. Just different colouring. He's a beauty regardless of what breed he is...
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    Furniture choice for cats with claws

    I figured this would give people an option besides Declawing. I am so against that I'd rather get all new furniture and stuff before I'd do that to my kitties. I have decided only to declaw if there was an injury that required it. Jennifer Sweeney
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    Furniture choice for cats with claws

    If you are looking for new furniture and have a cat with claws, try Microfiber. I have only one upholstered piece of furniture in my house and two cats. One has destroyed two of the three cat trees that I have in teh house. I mean taking the carpet and sisal off to the bare wood. The...
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    Boys Make Better Pets?

    and before anyone yells at me. the economic reason is... Boy kitties are cheaper to neuter than girls are to spay. I consider that part and parcel of having a cat. If I can't afford to do that in a reasonable time then I can't afford the kitty. Luckily my younger cat came with the surgery...
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    what is de-clawing???

    Okay I'll give you guys a clue what fabric on the only fabric covered piece of furniture is? Mircofiber rocks I have one cat that sometimes scratches at the corner of the couch and it doesn't show. Jennifer Sweeeney.
  11. I

    why is my cat so affectionate in the bathroom?

    Its so funny I am on a clicker training list and wrote how I wanted to clicker train my cat to encourage him to be more affectionate? So now he's all lovey dovey most of the time on my bed. But a lot of the time when I am sitting on the toilet using it. It might have to do with my other...
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    Human illness and cats

    I was upset about something and it wasn't even that important and my cat Indy sat on my chest and decided to love on me until I calmed down. Animals are more sensitive to body language and scent and things than people are so I wouldn't consider it abnormal for a cat to know something's...
  13. I

    Cat Hater?

    That's a better idea, I was suggesting that you can carve out grown up alone time and make it a priority. That seemed to be the overriding need and that doesn't have anything to do with the cat. I was trying to suggest that if you meet that need and its a legit one let me add. The cat...
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    Cat Hater?

    Sorry I took a shower and realized something. You seem to be complaining about not having time to yourself? If that's the case then carve out some time for yourself. Make it Daddy daughter time from lets say ten til noon or something like that on a saturday or sunday whatever you want the...
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    Cat Hater?

    Okay first of all, you are acting in ways that the cat doesn't percieve as threatening. When people swoop down on them and look at them with adoring eyes cats can be threatened and intimidated. Instead of thinking of this as clinging just realize that another member of your family loves you...