Recent Content by imuneekru

  1. I

    Why won't she let me sleep!? Help!

    When I switched my young cats to raw food, they too went through a transitional period of being very overly eager to eat, and flipping out excitedly over any food-related trigger. To me it seemed like for the first time in their lives, they were actually excited to eat because it tasted good and...
  2. I

    Stealing Underwear??

    My cats steal my socks all the time. They will also drag my shoes by the laces for short distances. I am always coming home to find a sock by the food dish, or behind the fridge. I see them playing with them the way they do with their other toys, so it doesn't appear to be anything creepy. I...
  3. I

    Flavorless vitamin/mineral supplement?

    If it doesn't bother you to give them a non-raw tidbit, you could always try vitamin "treats." Rather than mixing a supplement with their regular food, I give my cats a chicken-flavored vitamin daily. It's basically the equivalent of buying those human "gummy-vites" instead of the kind you have...
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    raw feeding insatiable kittens

    I've been feeding my two 7 month old kittens on raw and when I first started, they had the same insatiable appetite as yours. Fortunately, at least one cat does tend to self-regulate--she is smaller boned and less hungry than the other, who if left to himself will eat nonstop until the food's...
  5. I

    Cat pooping outside litterbox- spite?

    Despite all the back and forth here about bleach and ammonia, I think you might have better success if you stop using the homemade cleaners and buy a good enzyme cleaner specially designed to destroy pet odors. They are not expensive and contain several components you're not currently using...
  6. I

    One of my cats is pooping on the floor. Heeeelp!

    You may have tried this already, but it's worth putting out there... Have you thoroughly scrubbed the area with an enzyme cleaner like Nature's Miracle?  From reading your post, it is even possible that the bottom of the litterbox had some residue that was left behind when you placed it on the...
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    Please HELP me

    Just a suggestion, but maybe a dietary switch could help solve the poop problem. Cats fed a raw diet tend to have smaller and drier poop that doesn't stink as badly and is less likely to be stepped in and tracked around. I've been feeding mine raw since they were 4 months and the litter box has...
  8. I

    Cat refuses to stop jumping up on counters, kitchen table etc

    My kittens are 7 months and I've only just begun to see their attraction to the table die down. It doesn't help when these surfaces smell of food. Don't every let them "score" a snack by leaving food out, or they'll keep jumping up!  Our compromise has been that they can climb on pretty much...
  9. I

    Kitty acting strange

    It may be completely unrelated to you, her health problems, or anything else mentioned in the forum.  Have you checked the weather lately?  I too have young cats who used to sleep on my bed every single night. The colder it is upstairs (Cape Cod attic bedroom lol!) the closer to my feet or...