Recent Content by hollie9

  1. H

    How to protect furniture

    Well, I won't be able to "refresh" the citrus every 8 hours every day so I guess that's out for me. I have put citrus scented "plugs" on some pieces of furniture, those are the round, plastic fresheners you twist to get smell and can adhere to the wall. I don't know if they work or not because...
  2. H

    How to protect furniture

    How long before Snowball starts going after the chair again? Do you frequently reapply the citrus scent? I have to protect many chairs and sofas, would this be practical for so many pieces? Some air fresheners say they could damage fabrics, do you get a particular kind of freshener? Thanks...
  3. H

    caring for declawed cats

    I'd like to hear an update too. Hollie
  4. H

    Yet another scratching question

    I'd sure like to know about them, I need something better than Soft Paws. Hollie
  5. H

    How to protect furniture

    Hissy, Slipcovers are just as expensive as reupholstering! What sort are you talking about? Interesting website you posted. I wonder if the sofa mat that prevents dogs and cats from getting on the furniture can be used on the corners to prevent scratching? Also wonder if you need more...
  6. H

    Any Soft Paws fans here? Application tips?

    I always wondered why they said to keep the glue in the :censor::censor::censor::censor:. The tubes stay on the glue when you put it in the :censor::censor::censor::censor:, no cap on the glue? Unfortunately, the :censor::censor::censor::censor: is a long way from my bed where I usually do the...
  7. H

    Any Soft Paws fans here? Application tips?

    They told me my cat needs large size all the way around because the caps don't slide on all the way up to where the claw meets the skin. I complained that I would be going through hundreds of those tubes that attach to the glue bottle if I replace them one by one. They are sending me some...
  8. H

    Any Soft Paws fans here? Application tips?

    My cat has had the normal size on for 3-4 weeks now. I had to get large size for the side claws, they were too wide for normal which fell off since they were too small. They are staying on but they are so much longer than his own claws would be, especially the large size. Hissy, I tried...
  9. H

    Cure Scratching or Get Rid of Cat - Help!!! Redecorating

    I don't need to trim his claws more, the reason they don't go on right is that the soft paw is too small at the base to fit all the way up on the claw. This especially applies to the side claws which are thicker and wider at their base. Currently many soft paws are attached halfway down the...
  10. H

    Cure Scratching or Get Rid of Cat - Help!!! Redecorating

    I replaced the missing ones last night and some don't seem to fit right. The side claws are bigger than the rest of his claws, the Soft Paws only go on part way and the tips stick way out, making his claws much longer than they normally would be. Do you think this means I should get large...
  11. H

    Cure Scratching or Get Rid of Cat - Help!!! Redecorating

    I posted before that they had been on 3 weeks but now seeing my previous post, they've been on 2 weeks. My cat bites them and three have come off. Since they were going to last about 4 weeks, I didn't replace his tear offs thinking they all would fall off soon. Any SoftPaws users have a...
  12. H

    Any Soft Paws fans here? Application tips?

    I posted before that they had been on 3 weeks but now seeing my previous post, they've been on 2 weeks. My cat bites them and three have come off. Since they were going to last about 4 weeks, I didn't replace his tear offs thinking they all would fall off soon. Any SoftPaws users have a...
  13. H

    Cure Scratching or Get Rid of Cat - Help!!! Redecorating

    I got the new, expensive, tall, sisal (not sisal rope) scratch post and have been playing with cat on it all the time. He still goes right over to the old sisal rope post and seems to love that while never going to new one. I think he doesn't like to climb tall post and there is a platform on...
  14. H

    Cure Scratching or Get Rid of Cat - Help!!! Redecorating

    My cat is trying like the devil to get them off, biting and licking but so far only 3 off. I really hope if I keep putting them back on he will stop trying to get them off. The Soft Paws site says they do lick them a lot at first and you will have to replace them more often at first. God I...
  15. H

    Any Soft Paws fans here? Application tips?

    I think they will fit on better with the base cut. And I've often been to the Soft Paws site. I can't believe I could possibly have a cat that doesn't ruin the furniture, I can start taking off all the tape!!! Hollie