Recent Content by hellkitty jilly

  1. H

    my kitty loves the shower?

    lot of cat breeds love the water russion blues love it they just dont like to be forced in to the water, The Turkish Van Cat has a love for playing in water, so is often referred to as the "Turkisg Swimming Cat". It is a very affectionate, loving and lively cat who is also very intelligent...
  2. H

    New Kitten is aggressive towards existing cat

    get a free standing toy for the baby to play with and tire him out then sake will be happy but just get the baby tired out it will help alot
  3. H

    New Kitten Owner!

    that is more then ok if she likes dry more then wet lots of cats hate wet food my moms cats will not touch wet food but becareful high protien will make them big!!! the two my mom has whe had from they were 1 sec old we had the mom cat but she was kitten naped >.< but they would only eat high...
  4. H

    how much water is a kitten supposed to drink?

    ok he is fine but you should ween him off the wet on to dry mix 1/4 cup wet 1/4 cup dry and see how he likes it he is drinking more for the reason the food is not giving him the water he needs just mix the wet and dry or add water or broth to the dry and heat it up slightly not much just to make...
  5. H

    help!!!!!!! baby kitty not sure what to do

    she is still to light for the vet he dose not want to spade her till she is 4lbs every thing is normal about the eye but the goop and it is alot a finger tip full i have size 7 fingers and it covers the whole tip, the goop form both eyes. its white and it drys brownish green like snot the vet...
  6. H

    help!!!!!!! baby kitty not sure what to do

    she was a stray half starved when i found her she was under 2 lb now she is 3ish lbs she eats just not as much and she is a outdoors kitty and the vet is the only one around here the next one is 3 towns over the only thing that im worried about is the eye goop and the hunger tapering off i can...
  7. H

    How do you manage the fur?

    lol get curshed veltet lint remover and rub every thing down it will get the house clean and if its a long hair get a horse hair brush it works the best and try to do it out side!
  8. H

    help!!!!!!! baby kitty not sure what to do

    ok i have this baby not sure how old but know she is under 6 months she is not eating like she use to she plowed over Mr. B to get to the food now she is not eating at all and she just started to get the ivory white eye goop it drys brownish- green she only gets it in the moring it remids me of...
  9. H

    Questions regarding Lucky's eye

    how do you get rid of ivory white eye goop its like cream and she only gets in the moring time
  10. H


    ok I found this little stray kitty, bastet, she is very small under 6 mo for sure she has this thick creamy like eye goop its ivory white, she has neon green eyes so i know they are not cloudy, she only gets it in the moring she is a out door cat, mother in law dont like cats and were i stay...