Recent Content by hebi

  1. H

    Tell us about your "cats with a past"

    I do not know much about my Bella's past. I do know that she had a family that ignored her health problems, resulting in a "cabbage ear" and a badly damaged tooth that needed to be removed. I know abandoned her, sealed in a cardboard box, in freezing temperatures. And I know that they must...
  2. H

    Am I doing the right things?

    You did not say whether or not Sammy tends to groom Prissy, but just in case, it would probably be a good idea to brush her more often as well.
  3. H

    Comment by 'hebi' in article 'How To Best Take Care Of Cat Claws'

    My Bella complained when I trimmed her nails, and tried to bat my hand away with her paws, but she never used her claws on me. She has not tried to scratch me when I have had to give her medication either. If anyone suggested declawing I think /I/ would be trying to scratch them up. Admittedly...
  4. H

    Cute Kitty Beds

    Bella will use her cat bed occasionally, usually when she is snubbing me. From time to time, she will nap on her cat tree or perch on the window seat. Usually, however, she is on the bed. And she often likes to position herself right in the middle, so the I barely have room no matter which...
  5. H

    Knowing Your Limits

    I remind myself how unfair it would be to the cat(s) in question if I bit off more than I could chew. And then from time to time I pick up an extra can for the local shelter.
  6. H

    My cat keeps yowling in the middle of the night?

    It is entirely possible that loneliness is the issue. If my kitty is vocal, it means she wants food, her litter box cleaned, or attention. Would it be possible for your cat to have a place to sleep in your bedroom? Also, is she spayed? If not, she may be signaling that she is fertile.
  7. H

    Nightmare after coming home from vet

    Definitely try the "taking them at the same time" thing when you can, but be aware that if your older can has to have something done, the discomfort might make her aggressive anyway. Regarding the Mexican Vanilla, the confusion is that tonka beans, which are also sold under the name vanillin...
  8. H

    New cat owner scratching concerns

    It depends on what the cat likes to scratch, as well as what you make clear is available for the cat's use. My cat will only use cardboard scratchers, not carpet or rope. Some cats might not like to scratch wicker at all. Spray or sprinkle catnip on what you DO want your new cat to use to...