Recent Content by happygolucky

  1. H

    My cat just attacked my face and bit me right between my eyes!

    I read here I am not alone with the problem of a cat that bites and uses nails to attack. I have had my cat since he was 9 weeks old and he is around 8 months old. He attacks my my feet and sometimes growls. He bites anywhere he can and if his dish doesn't have food in it he bites until I put...
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  5. H

    teething kitten

    Hello. I noticed this post today. I took in a kitten going on 4 weeks ago. I am not sure how old he is but that he is older than what I was told. I have had this same issue from day 1. I have stuffed animals, teething ring, scratch board, cat cube, feather toys, all of which this...
  6. H

    For those of you with crazy bitey kittens

    This is just aromatherapy that I bought in a store. I would appreciate a more positive attitude as I am trying to save this poor little kitten from being hurt by the so called do gooders who never have anything nice to say anyway. When he has his shots and it is the right time I will have...
  7. H

    For those of you with crazy bitey kittens

    Thank you for sharing your light at the end of the tunnel. I bought a diffuser and put calming oil in and it seems like this is working for my light at the end of the tunnel. I tried everything and thought it had worked but this seems to have done the job. I will keep everyone updated.
  8. H

    At what age does a kitten becomes territorial?

    My kitten isn't behavior trained either. I am afraid the authorities will put him down unless he gets more people oriented. He is good for a few minutes of my petting him and then it starts. He still hisses at me once in a while. He stopped growling. I need to have him get his second kitten...
  9. H

    Comment by 'happygolucky' in media '20150830_171631.jpg'

    I was wrong. Muffin has teeth. Along with his picture can anyone guess how old he is. I will take another picture of him since he has grown in 3 weeks. His biting and scratching is less.
  10. Cat Behavor

    Cat Behavor

  11. H

    Cat Behavor

    Yes They guessed his age but because the person who posted on Facebook showed a picture of a tiny kitten and he is much bigger than a tiny kitten I knew she lied to me. He has grown more and he has been eating good. I have wet food but he doesn't seem to care for it so I bought a different...
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  13. H

    Cat Behavor

    I have been advised to get a kids water pistol. I did use a regular spray bottle but the kids water pistol seems less abrasive. I have only had muffin for 2& 1/2 weeks. He is adorable but as I read from others this biting and clawing really hurts. Even if I make believe my hand is a...
  14. H

    At what age does a kitten becomes territorial?

    I just bought some new toys so my muffin(muffy) would stop chewing my arms and legs. It seems to be working along with a kids water pistol. It seems people are having success with the water pistol.