Recent Content by gundumgrrl

  1. G

    New Cat Problems

    Yeah I definitely agree with you on that Franksmom (sorry for the late reply, haven't been on my computer much as of late). It's been a couple of months and Lady is finally starting to fit in. The dog is terrified of her (it's kinda funny), she has gained 2lbs and after dealing with ear mites...
  2. G

    New Cat Problems

    I understand all that and I am in no way pro-declawing. However I live at home and have no money to move out. My parents make most of the calls on these things, however I can say this in Lady's favor on not declawing her. We wanted a new cat to have claws, because our dog while terrified of the...
  3. G

    How often do you clean your cat bowls?

    I rarely clean my cats dry food bowl, and just fill it up as they empty the bowl. Their wet food bowls get cleaned after every use, and the one water bowl the new cat uses gets emptied, cleaned and refilled every time I see it. The other two cats have a pet fountain, and I wash that with vinegar...
  4. G

    Strange Foods That Your Cat(s) Like To Eat

    My cats will pester my dad to death over the dried squid he buys bags of (He's Japanese and eats lots of weird things). And if I eat anything Ringo in particular will come and stand up with his paws on the side of my leg to look. I now know that they like chips, especially Cheetos and Ruffles...
  5. G

    Hey I'm New

    Hi I'd like to introduce myself as a new member to this site along with my three cats;  Ringo and his littermate Star and my newest kitty Lady The twin's I adopted after we lost our long time cat Buttercup inn 2008 to Lymphoma. She was the best cat ever and could hunt almost anything...
  6. G

    New Cat Problems

    Thanks I'll definitely try the vanilla extract. I also figured it was a time issue, we've had her less than a month. The claw issue may not change though, she's just managed to claw my dad :( I'll try to change his mind.  In all fairness though I have actually never had a problem with...
  7. G

    New Cat Problems

    Hi I'm new on here and I need some help. My family currently has three cats, the older two litter mates Ringo and Star (both 5) and the newest addition Lady (2) whom I took from a friend who had to move to a non-pet friendly apartment. My family decided to take Lady in, because last summer we...