Recent Content by grampngram

  1. G

    What is your favorite childhood snack?

    We've done a lot of the State Parks in Calif. A Favorite is Big Basin Redwoods up in the Bay Area. (And to stay on thread...favorite snack is trail mix when camping. ) Emigrant Basin is straight north from Yosemite. You can walk or go by horseback. No motor vehicles of any type allowed. I think...
  2. G

    How a Cat Gets Hair on 16 Pairs of Pants At Once

    My cats will never see that picture. It might give them ideas. LOL Very Cute!!!!! Jeff
  3. G

    Brown/black tabby pics please! :)

    Here's our 20 year old resting on her couch. Jeff
  4. G

    New Fur Baby

    I think he'll fit right in one of my pockets Very Cute!!!! Jeff
  5. G

    ZOOM, do your babies ever do it?

    Ah sleep in until 4:00 of lifes true luxuries. Right now I'm trying to get coffee made with one cat wrapped around my foot like a furry sock, and the other one draped around my neck. The little one slides on the tile wrapped around my foot like a furry hockey puck...
  6. G

    ZOOM, do your babies ever do it?

    Do you mean the zooming from room to room....over the couch, down the hall...up on the bed....using my chest for a launching pad to the dresser, and back out the way they came in...all at 100 MPH like they did about 15 minutes 4:00 am? That zooming around??? Ah was time...
  7. G

    Close Call...

    Ok..... From the "guys perspective" ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I glad he wasn't hurt badly.....other than that...stuff happens. LMAO!!!!!!!! Jeff /edit: Reallly...I didn't mean that.... Really..... LOL Jeff
  8. G

    What is your favorite childhood snack?

    DiMa Did you ever do the Emigrant Basin Wilderness Area Hike? (Dodge Ridge to Yosemite Valley) I did that one in '89 with a friend. Normally I hate walking, but this place...this pristine place...was well worth the effort. Jeff
  9. G

    How dangerous are rats?

    "A .12-gauge shotgun works wonders. You'll need to spackle and repaint the walls but, it'll get rid of the rat, for good!" Spackle....drywall.....Tape.....somehow I don't think they'd be happy but I sure as hell like how you think. Jeff
  10. G

    please help

    1 other possibility depending on the cats age would be a stroke. A Vet visit is definitely the best course to take just to find out. Our 20 year old tabby has had 3 major "events" (you gotta love Vets and the terminology) that were strokes. She's on blood pressure meds and doing fine. Good...
  11. G

    Heart Murmur

    I stand corrected. It is a 1-6 scale. Thanks Kumbulu (I cheated and called my oldest Daughter. She's a Vet in Utah.) Cats and people...get heart murmurs. Most of the time it's not a concern. If the Vet isn't concerned, it should all be fine. Good Luck Jeff
  12. G

    Heart Murmur

    Our 20 year old cat has a murmur. Grade 3 I believe. They are graded 1-5 with 5 being the worst. She was diagnosed with it at age 14, so it hasn't had any real impact or shortened her life at all. If the Vet isn't too concerned it's probably not going to have a significant impact on Solo. Jeff
  13. G

    How dangerous are rats?

    Rats are unacceptable under the Los Angeles Health code. Look up the number for Los Angeles City Building and Safety, or just dial 311 and follow the prompts. If you're in another city look up the appropriate # and notify them. They'll make the building owner come into compliance.
  14. G

    Kimward is a brat!!!

  15. G

    Kittens adjusting and Ginger throwing up...

    Hi there, We live in the same area. How old are the kittens? Dehydration is what you have to watch. What kind of food were they on before??? Sometimes switching foods can bring a very bad reaction, and should be done slowly over time. Do the "pinch test" on Ginger. Pinch the scruff of her neck...