Recent Content by gjdiwpx

  1. G

    siamese cat rectal Absess?

    poor baby...had just what you all said an anal gland absess. Yuck! Is doing better but quite distressed by the neck collar!! It is improving slowly with augmentin and neosporin ointment. TY for questions answered
  2. G

    siamese cat rectal Absess?

    I thought of that but it seems too far away from anus to be same can it be as far as 2cm away? She is going to vet today so we will know and I will post results. Thanks Arlene worried cat mom
  3. G

    siamese cat rectal Absess?

    has anyone ever seen an open deep lesion near rectum? Cat just noted to have this going to take to vet tomorrow. Could it be pus, vagina swelling It looks clean and not painful but she keeps licking to clean...really has my daughter scared Help!! Arlene