Recent Content by george's mom

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  10. george's mom

    Catsitting HELP PLEASE

    George and Ellie do this almost every night. The squealing and hissing by Ellie use to bother me greatly but she seems to hold her own. George is also just about twice the size of Ellie so she's pretty much out muscled!! And this usually happens sometime in the middle of the night so I think...
  11. george's mom

    Catsitting HELP PLEASE

    Love following the adventures!! I don't know how you are going to be able to part with her when her family comes home...!! And those standoff-ish boys are going to miss their 'little sister'
  12. george's mom


    George has this tiny little meow - and with the size of him, you'd think he'd roar like a lion!!
  13. george's mom

    If they could choose the menu...

    This thread is too funny George: cake donuts, bacon, processed turkey, olives - black or green, tuna water, melon and Temptation Treats. Ellie's not a big people-food eater - but loves tuna water and recently found out, cheese. Huge Temptation Treats fan.
  14. george's mom


    Glad to hear that you've made name tags - so that pretty much makes it official!! My George is a Maine Coon and he follows me into every room - always needing to be close by. And Ellie the Tortie also has attitude! Cracks me up that you mentioned that I'm so happy that a 20 yr old rescue...
  15. george's mom

    What Age Should She Be Meowing?

    This is pretty much Ellie - she's 3 and usually just squeals or chirps (at me or George when they pass each other). Otherwise, she's very quiet.