Recent Content by gellaoui

  1. G

    Is my cat expecting? Newbie needing help please <3

    We are in line for vet care, it's a bit of a wait because we live in rural area and such services are not readily available. But yes, that's our plan, to get a firm gender identification and check-up. I apologize for the haphazard photos. He/she is difficult to pose for good nipple or gender...
  2. G

    Is my cat expecting? Newbie needing help please <3

    Bump. Any new advice based on the updated photo?
  3. G

    Is my cat expecting? Newbie needing help please <3

    He/she is very loving and playful, and does not seem to be in any pain or discomfort (no yowling, screeching, or biting) that we can tell.  Still working on getting photos of the business end. We are all working together to bond and get more comfortable, but he/she won't let me get a good photo...
  4. G

    Is my cat expecting? Newbie needing help please <3

    New photo. Cat more relaxed, but this might give a better view of the belly.
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  6. G

    Is my cat expecting? Newbie needing help please <3

    The picture has they belly/teats looking a little squashed. In a natural and relaxed state, the belly is relatively smooth and not so bumpy-looking. Sorry about the bad pic ;/ The cat wasn't too keen on being posed.
  7. G

    Is my cat expecting? Newbie needing help please <3

    We were very recently adopted by a stray ginger cat. I have done a great deal of research online to attempt to verify it's gender and health status, but I'd appreciate some peer review. I realize that most gingers are males, but I have to wonder, based on appearance and behavior, if this might...
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