Recent Content by gaoinlv

  1. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    I ended up going to ER on the advice of the 24 hour phone nurse. I'm going to try to call the TNR group and sound calm. I just can't leave water or food near my condo anymore. I'm scared to death and my family frankly is worried about my little granddaughter. I am thinking I will put water out...
  2. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    THINGS HAVE CHANGED. I'm so upset right now. I was a little late in putting our her food tonight. Well, quite late, I guess. I usually put it out at about 6, and I didn't remember until 7:30. Not dark yet. I took the bowl out to where the water is--between 2 bushes (I had been moving it slowly)...
  3. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    Well, I'm still feeding Mama. I see her almost every night--she comes right after dark and eats her food. Sometimes she eats half and comes back early a.m to finish. I think it's her coming back anyway. I mostly see her at around 8 p.m. eating. She's so sweet. We haven't tried to approach her in...
  4. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    I appreciate all your help and advice, and also your sentiments about my "kindness."  Frankly, it would never occur to me to NOT try to help this sweet (OK, maybe not so sweet...but I like her anyway) creature who is just doing everything in her power to take care of her babies. I, myself, can't...
  5. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    UPDATE: I decided to put a small dish of food (dry kitten chow--still afraid of the CRAZY bugs we get around here) and a bowl of water out near our patio last night. My reasoning was that I thought she might come back there looking for food during the night. This morning very early (before 6...
  6. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    Well, she's gone. And now I'm sad because I'm worried about her. She took her kittens and I guess moved them into the brush area near our condo complex. I hope she's safe. I'm wondering if I should put food and water out for her at the edge of the property line in hopes she will find it--even...
  7. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    Thanks. I'd love to give her canned food, but its not really safe to get the food ON the patio and we certainly can't take up the cans. Actually, pouring the food over wasn't good, but if we fill a paper plate with dry food and just quickly drop it over, it's ok. We put about three days worth at...
  8. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    Oh, and the cat coalition just called. They basically said its kitten season and we are on the list. I'd better quit bugging them, and just be careful. She said my other option is to call animal control. Can't do it.
  9. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    Also, I think I have figured out where the kittens are being kept--she has,,I think, kind of made a house for them with a lightweight fleece blanket on,the patio, that actually butts right up,to,her place under the grill. I think they,are under there. I swear I saw a black and white kitty under...
  10. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    Thank you! I have spoken to one of the volunteers, but I left another message today asking for the man who runs it to call me. I mean I understand that "there are kittens all over the place" right now, but I think my situation is unique. On the other hand, I think I saw the kittens under there...
  11. gaoinlv

    Need Help with Feral (or Stray) Cat!

    Last Friday night we discovered a cat with kittens on our patio underneath the shelf of the BBQ grill. The incident was very traumatic for all of us. We don't use the patio a lot, but were out there with our 3-year-old granddaughter playing with a bubble blower and a stack of old foam letter...