Recent Content by gailcats

  1. G

    Nose Spray for Congested Cats

    To Stephanietx, thanks so much for replying!  I realized it was an old thread when I saw the 2009 dates of the posts, but I just replied anyway.  I will start a new thread if/when I want to contact anybody about the same subject.  Meanwhile, I was glad to hear from you about the vaporizer -...
  2. G

    Nose Spray for Congested Cats

    P.S. Sorry, Stephanietx, about the Vicks I should have been replying to Krazykat instead, which I just did.  My replies about the saline and vaporizers were correctly addressed to you, though.  Thanks.
  3. G

    Nose Spray for Congested Cats

    To KrazyKat, I read online that Vicks Vaporub is toxic to cats - it's not the mint, which is okay (catnip is in the mint family), but the camphor.  I'm surprised your vet said it was okay?! 
  4. G

    Nose Spray for Congested Cats

    P.S. I'm new to this site and when I clicked Reply immediately below somebody's comment, I thought it would be clear whose comment I was replying to, but it doesn't look that way once it's posted, so FYI, both of my previous posts were intended as replies to Stephanietx - thanks for the info...
  5. G

    Nose Spray for Congested Cats

    Thank you for the information!  I had some saline at home and tried squirting some both into my kitty's nose and at the center as you suggested.  She wasn't thrilled and I'm not sure how much if any got in, but I think it actually helped!  
  6. G

    Nose Spray for Congested Cats

    Hi, I read online that Vicks Vap-O-Rub is toxic to cats.  Menthol is from mint, and we all know how cats love mint - catnip is in the mint family and its folk name is catmint.  What I read if I remember right was that the camphor is what's toxic to kitties.  Just wondering since you wrote that...