Recent Content by forever_urs8019

  1. F

    help me please...

    well, if anyone even cares, i had to take her back in and fork over another 120.00 for them to clean it again, and cut a even bigger hole because the tissue was dead. so im pretty pissed off, im thinking about having a talk with the first vet, because first off she should have given me the...
  2. F

    help me please...

    oh well its draining.. its pretty nasty.. but i got the ecollar.. we were lucky it fit her. hopefully all of this goes well.. she is going to have a scar tho..
  3. F

    help me please...

    they didnt give me any antibotics, vet said if her swelling didnt go down, then we would do that because of infection, but she said she flushed it all out very well.. im thinking about putting baby neosporin on it.. i think someone said earlier that thats ok.. just to make sure the bacteria is...
  4. F

    help me please...

    oh, and it was a Warbles.... >.< nasty little fellows.. i still have the acutual parasite she gave us... it gives me the nasty chill bumps
  5. F

    help me please...

    well the wound has been healing up.. eh.. nicely.. not been a sight to look at. i can take pictures if anyone would like to see it... but, and i should have asked at the vet.. but i should have gotten that tunnel thing you but on a cats neck.. she has scratched.. and scratched... and scratched...
  6. F

    help me please...

    well i took her to a vet, i found one that had the earliest appointment, and my boyfriend said he would fork over the arm and leg, and it actually wasnt to expensive =] it was a parasite of some kind, carried by a big fly. I have to thank my brother and animal plant for telling me this. they...
  7. F

    help me please...

    alrighty.. it seems that my kitty Gizmo has a very puffy cheek and i talked to my aunt about it, and we thought it was a spider bite and she told me to put some neosporin on it.. just to help until the puffy went down or till i got the money to get to a vet, so i did that today, and as i was...
  8. F

    Best friends sister shot in the eye with a paintball gun

    omg! i am so sorry! i hope she gets better, and you catch the brats.
  9. F

    y can't I roller blade? BLADE?

    can we switch feet? lol. at my old job (that i loved because of the money *Sonic*) i had to skate, and i have always skated on Roller Blades... but never go out in the rain in those.. you wil bust your butt soo hard. So for me to go back, i need to learn how to go on four skates =[ and i really...
  10. F

    Pixie's kits are 5 weeks on Mon - more pics!

    im sorry, but i think thats a girl... it might just be my luck, but all my boys came out with well lets say.. fairly large manhoods... so yea.. lol.. its usually really obvious, and i must say. they are sooooo cute!
  11. F

    Too many kittens! Long, sorry...

    i understand what you are going thru, same thing happened to me, mine had 7 kits, and 2 died. She is going to want to move them a lot, but please keep her in a room, Allie found somewhere to put hers, and to get to it, she had to jump up and drop them in, and luckily i heard her, because she...
  12. F

    They are growing so fast! (4 week pics)

    i have to say those kittens are simply ADORABLE! OMG! lol.. i miss my kittens.. haha... i wish they stayed that cute, w/o the attitude of i can do whatever i want.
  13. F

    Why have so few members joined our live TCS Skypecasts and chats?

    just thought i would say something... i have seen that some people have been problems with skype.. which is understandable, especially on older model computers, and it takes a fair amount of CPU, so a suggestion would be to use Ventrillio (sp?). That is what most the gamers use, its easy...
  14. F


    i love the game! but i havent played it in so long. had to get rid of it, so i could play World of Warcraft
  15. F

    The growing up thread

    ZOMG! you stole my cat!