Recent Content by firebirdmagic

  1. firebirdmagic

    room take over

    Move the selfish brother out, to the's will adjust, they go by scent and will sleep on or with you as they move. I've moved my litter boxes a few times, and they went right to them. Beside, wouldn't it be smarter to care for grandpa with you in the next room ? If bro says no, tell...
  2. firebirdmagic

    I love Leo, but he is driving me nuts

    Orion puts a mouse in the community water bowl, or a piece of dry food, I beleive it's to check the depth of the water because it's a shiny type of bowl and probably can't see the level. I have a food/pawpad rubber thingy under their food, and Olivia stopped draging the dry food off the rug, the...
  3. firebirdmagic

    Cats on Kitchen Counters and Tables?

    I have one that hops up there, but, not only do I keep my counters cleaned, I don't put food on them. I use a cutting board on all food prep. He go's from the counter to the top of the fridge, to dominate the world as they do..Mike, Medford, Ore
  4. firebirdmagic

    Attention Tortie Owners!

    Olivia a torty, has never struck out at anyone here, however I noticed all torty's I ever met are very vocal, and seem to be very sensative with they're fur or skin. pet very lightly. Olivia wants attention constantly, she cry's at my feet, bumping me, all day as I sit here on the computer. I...
  5. firebirdmagic

    Not play biting

    Ok you gotta stop going to those cat porno sites !!! lol, I also have one that seems to get agrivated when I sit at my desk and get on the computer. It's weird, but, everytime she starts scratching I yell ow !! and it scares her, she's not doing it as much anymore. I tell allot of folks here...
  6. firebirdmagic

    Cats and Hardwood Floors

    look forward to the famous chase down the hall, then the thump thump into the closed door it sounds funny as H*** I also suggest beds, or get used to them on the furniture...Mike, Medford, Ore
  7. firebirdmagic

    Urgent Problem please help ASAP!

    Your life was blessed, I'm sure you miss your little senior citizen. I waited 3 months after a heart rendering loss, then, got (saved) another kitty (4 year old inside varmit) who had some real quirky little habits that made him really cute. It softened the loss, and although I'll never forget...
  8. firebirdmagic

    what is kitty doing?

    Orion has been a head butter since he was hand held, he butted my fingertips. He sits on my chest know and headbuts me, so there you have affection and pet my head daddy ! Whiskey head buts my ankles, and since he doesn't like being picked up, that just means pet me and gimme attention. Now...
  9. firebirdmagic

    Doesn't meow?

    I'm sure she has a hiss if you step on her tail, I had little whiskey, and he chirped, kindof a ya-nya-Never meowed, don't worry bout it, I have one here that won't stop meowing while she rubs my leg at the computer. She does it for hours I play with her, pet her (she doesn't like being picked...
  10. firebirdmagic

    Our new arrival

    That's not a cat, it's a 747 just landed in Singapore...I swear that little one just needs to flap an ear er two, and it will be airborne !!!! Mike, Medford, Ore...
  11. firebirdmagic

    Update on Singa and Soleil...

    In my history with my guys, I've learned that there is no such thing as a closed door to them, even if they don't care whats on the other side, they sence something out there and will incestantly scratch at the door till opened. My whiskey scratches at the front door (only closed door in the...
  12. firebirdmagic

    Smart Kitten Counter Problem..

    Um, get a breadbox, don't leave stuff on the counter, and just realize that cat's have their own world to deal with. I have a cat on the counter, and opening cupboard doors. I adjusted to it, all of the chemicals for cleaning house are now in an overhead cupboard, pots pans, other supplies are...
  13. firebirdmagic

    counter kitty

    I washed out an empty can of soup, taped the top back on, with some small rocks in it, and rattle it when they do something wrong. It really works, they don't like loud noises. keeps Orion off the counter, and whiskey from clawing at my chair...Mike Medford, Ore
  14. firebirdmagic

    Cat spills water while drinking

    The little cloth mice that float are the only thing he puts in there besides occasional dry food piece (only one piece) and I don't know if that floats or not...gotta ask him, but he's currently asleep on the top of my printer...hmmmm Mike Medford ore
  15. firebirdmagic

    Cat spills water while drinking

    Orion takes one of his little rat toys and puts it in the communal water dish all of the time. I asked the vet about it, and he said it's conceptual. Orion does it so he can see something floating and he can adjust to the level of the water. Instinctually he paws the water to clear scum first...